Family & Kitchen Information
Approximate ages of family members (Check all that apply):
If your family has young children, will they be using the kitchen frequently?
How long do you plan on living in the home you are remodeling/building?
Where does your family eat its meals?
Where will your family eat after you remodel/build?
Do you require a kitchen table or would you be willing to explore other options if a design could be improved?
What other activities will take place in your new kitchen?
After your remodel/build will you entertain frequently?
How do you shop?
Cooking Style
Is the primary cook:
What is the primary cook's cooking style?
What does the primary cook prefer?
Do the secondary and primary cook prepare meals together?
Is the secondary cook:
Design & Style
Have you created a scrapbook of notes, photos, and ideas that you would like to use in your new kitchen?
If a design could be greatly improved, would you be willing to make structural changes? (i.e. moving windows, doors, and walls)?
Do you require a recycling center in your kitchen?
Will you be keeping your existing appliances?
What is your style preference for your new kitchen?
Time & Budget
If you are building, is the kitchen in your contract?