Even if you have a small space, it’s always possible to create a mudroom area!
You might be tired of having coats, boots, backpacks, and hats strewn about the house every year. Cleaning up and keeping everything in one place might be more work than one should put in. While not all homes have the same spaces available, creating a mudroom for this very purpose is possible. One can create a mudroom that fits all of your outdoor gear through the following steps.
Components of a Mudroom
What exactly is a mudroom? A mudroom is a space designated for hanging up and putting on shoes, coats, and other gear. It is also an area that keeps dirt tracked in from outside in one local, easy-to-clean spot. Basic components of a mudroom include shelving, wall hooks, and seating. Many use baskets to hide clutter stored on shelves or under the seating.
Choose a Space
A mudroom setup can go virtually in any part of the house. Ideally, you will want to keep it in a spot closest to the main entryway, where everyone will put on and take off their coats and shoes. Common rooms to turn into a mudroom include the front hallway, the porch, the kitchen, the laundry room, the pantry, and whatever room the front door happens to lead into. Some build their mudroom into the stairwell landing or in a closet.
Recessed Built-In
There are generally two common ways to create a mudroom in any of these areas. One of them is to create a recessed built-in, where the cabinetry holding the hooks, shelving, and seating are built into the wall. One will often see a wooden backing to protect the wall from dings and dents. Building a mudroom into a closet would naturally be a recessed built-in.
Built-In Cabinetry
Meanwhile, one could also create a mudroom via built-in cabinetry. Your mudroom setup could become a focal point, blend in with laundry, kitchen, pantry, or living room cabinetry, or sit along the hallway.
Keeping It Simple
You can also keep it very simple. A bench, as many wall hooks as you need, and enough storage for your umbrellas and keys might be all you need. Still unsure on how to incorporate a mudroom into your house? Kenwood Kitchens can help!
Ready to get started on your next kitchen, bathroom, or closet project? Kenwood Kitchens can help. Since opening its doors in 1974, Kenwood Kitchens has made a name for itself throughout Maryland as a complete kitchen and bathroom remodeling firm.
We want our clients to get what they deserve: a quality installation with quality products, at a fair price. Contact our expert planners today for a free consultation about your dream project.
Our showrooms are unparalleled, each has over a dozen full models for you to explore. With showrooms located in Lutherville, Abingdon, Columbia or Annapolis, Maryland, Kenwood Kitchens is the place for all of your kitchen and bathroom needs. Don’t hesitate to give us a call at (800) 211-8394.