Does your bathroom lack humidity control? Here are some ways to help.
The bathroom is a retreat and pertains significantly to the value of the home. It can be luxurious; on the other hand, this room is also the most likely to have humidity problems. With the shower, sink, tub, and toilet, excess moisture can cause all sorts of issues, including mold and mildew growth. If this is a concern for your home’s bathroom, here are a few ways to improve bathroom ventilation and keep your sanctuary fresh.
Utilizing the Bathroom Fan
If your bathroom does not have a window, it ought to have a bathroom fan, which sucks up excess moisture and odors outdoors. Improving bathroom ventilation isn’t as simple as installing just any bathroom fan, though. One must first get a fan of the right size for the room, one powerful enough to circulate the total cubic square feet of air in the space. You can also purchase a bathroom fan with a rating of 1 for quietness and other special features, like automation.
As for placement, one should both locate the largest source of moisture (usually the tub or shower) and the most direct route for the ductwork to reach outdoors. The shorter and straighter the air duct route can be, the better. The ductwork should compose of metal or PVC, as a rigid material will ensure long-lasting and excellent performance.
Concerning the Door
Meanwhile, every bathroom door should have at least half an inch of space underneath it to promote ventilation also. Whether you have a bathroom fan or not, it is better to keep the door slightly ajar to promote greater airflow. You can also leave the bathroom door open after the shower or bath until the mirrors no longer have fog.
Open the Window
If you’d prefer to keep the door shut for privacy reasons, you might want to open the window to lessen the build-up of humidity. The more airflow there is, the less likely mold, mildew, and even rotting or peeling will occur.
Open Enclosed Spaces
When the shower is not in use, keep the shower curtain or door open. Since this feature contains the most moisture, you’ll want to let that humid air circulate as much as possible rather than stay trapped within the space.
Ready to get started on your next kitchen, bathroom or closet project? Kenwood Kitchens can help. Since opening its doors in 1974, Kenwood Kitchens has made a name for itself throughout Maryland as a complete kitchen and bathroom remodeling firm.
We want our clients to get what they deserve: a quality installation with quality products, at a fair price. Contact our expert planners today for a free consultation about your dream project.
Our showrooms are unparalleled, each has over a dozen full models for you to explore. With showrooms located in Lutherville, Abingdon, Columbia or Annapolis, Maryland, Kenwood Kitchens is the place for all of your kitchen and bathroom needs. Don’t hesitate to give us a call at (800) 211-8394.